Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o tradičních vánočních rostlinách
adjective - very old, belonging to a time long ago
verb - to disagree with somebody and talk about it
noun - a feeling that something is true
noun - a small fruit, usually round
noun - a tradition, a way of behaving that a group of people have had for a long time
noun - the entrance, the place through which you enter a house etc.
noun - a person who is not friendly towards you, somebody who you fight
phrase - something good that happens by chance
noun - a small tree with red berries and dark green leaves, it is often used as decoration at Christmas
noun - a wish for something the feeling of expectation that it will happen
adverb - Inside a building
noun - a plant that climbs up walls
verb - to touch somebody with your lips in order to show love or affection
noun - the idea or sense of something
noun - a plant that is used as a Christmas decoration, when a man and a woman meet under it, they have to kiss
noun - a living thing that grows in the earth, usually with green leaves etc., sometimes grown by people in their houses
verb - to stay or be left behind
verb - to make new, to resume something that has been ended
noun - usually a very small object produced by a plant, out of which a new plant will grow
noun - a body movement with a meaning; something that is seen and has a special meaning for somebody
noun - the season of the year after winter
adjective - powerful, able to lift heavy things
adjective - correct, real; opposite of 'false'
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