Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z populární vánoční písničky
noun - a metal object shaped like a cup, which makes a ringing sound
noun - a tail (of an animal) that has been made shorter
adjective - of a very strong clear light or colour
verb - to run or move very quickly
noun - a large area of open land used especially for farming
noun - amusement, an activity that brings joy and laughter
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
verb - to sit on a moving bike, motorcycle or horse etc.
verb - to make a sound like a bell, to make a bell produce a sound
noun - a kind of carriage that is pulled by a horse (or horses) over snow
noun - the way people feel, mood
preposition - going in at one end and out at the other, e.g. tunnels, doors, passages etc.
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