Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z cvičení o vánočních vtipech
adjective - full of fear, fearful
adverb - with the back first
noun - a party for many people with dancing
noun - a religious song that people sing at Christmas
noun - a kind of long orange vegetable that grows in the ground
verb - to take something that has been moving into your hand
adjective - mixed up, understanding something in a wrong way or not understanding it at all
verb - to put two things across one another
noun - the weather condition with very low temperature
noun - injury (to fingers, toes, ears etc.) caused by very low temperatures
noun - a tropical fruit, yellow inside with brown skin and stiff leaves on top
noun - one of the ends of a magnet, one of the ends of an imaginary line around which something (such as Earth) revolves
noun - a large wild deer that lives in cold northern regions
verb - to rotate, to turn round and round
verb - to recognise an odour by your nose
noun - a ball made of snow
noun - a small particle of snow
noun - a figure made of balls of snow
noun - a character of horror movies that sucks blood from people (e.g. Count Dracula)
noun, British English - a place where pedestrians can cross a road, it is marked by white stripes painted on the surface of the road
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