Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z anglické koledy What Child is This?
noun - a messenger from God, who watches over people and helps them
noun - a special song
verb - to come somewhere with something or with somebody, to take something or somebody with you
verb - to put somebody on the the throne officially (and make them King or Queen)
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 79) a yellow metal which is very valuable and which coins and jewels are often made of
verb - to say 'hello' and 'goodbye'
verb - to protect somebody from harm, to watch over a person, a thing or a place
noun - a sweet-smelling substance that is burned during religious ceremonies
noun - the area on the upper legs of a person who is sitting
verb - to allow, to give permission to somebody to do something
noun - a strong-smelling substance used to make perfume, incense and some ointments
noun - a poor person, usually one that has a very low social status, who works on a small piece of land (grows crops or keeps animals)
verb - to let your mind and body relax for a while
noun - being saved from danger, harm, death etc. or (in Christian religion) from sin and the devil
noun - a person whose job it is to take care of sheep etc. in a field
noun - the act of keeping an eye on something
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