Vydáno dne 11.12.2006
Slovní zásoba z vánoční písničky na Help for English.
noun - a messenger from God, who watches over people and helps them
noun - a yard at the back of a house
verb - to be interested in or worry about something
noun - a religious song that people sing at Christmas
verb - to hide, to hold back
verb - to know through your senses, to be in a kind of physical or emotional state
verb - to move smoothly, used especially about water, time etc.
verb - a slang word for 'going to'
noun - a loud expression of happiness
noun - the act of laughing
adjective - happy, full of laughter
verb - to feel unhappy because something or somebody isn't with you
noun - the words spoken to a god, the act of speaking to a god
verb - to order somebody or something to go or be taken somewhere, usually by mail etc.
verb - to have something in common, to use one thing together with somebody else
verb - to ask yourself questions, to keep thinking about
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