A Christmas Postcard (přítomné časy)

Vydáno dne 16.12.2006

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Christmas postcardDear Jamie,

I ________________________________ (1) Christmas with my parents in New York again. It's wonderful. There are Christmas decorations everywhere. Every year we ________________________________ (2) in a hotel, but this year we ________________________________ (3) with my father's friends. I ________________________________ (4) to Christmas songs and ________________________________ (5) to you. The weather is fine. It's cold and it ________________________________ (6) here.Tonight we ________________________________ (7) to a Broadway show.You ________________________________ (8) that I ________________________________ (9) theaters! We ________________________________ (10) back home on the 3rd January. I ________________________________ (11) that you ________________________________ (12)  fine.



    1. a) 'm spending
    2. b) spend
    1. a) 're staying
    2. b) stay
    1. a) 're staying
    2. b) stay
    1. a) 'm listening
    2. b) listen
    1. a) write
    2. b) writing
    1. a) 's often snowing
    2. b) often snows
    1. a) 're going
    2. b) go
    1. a) are knowing
    2. b) know
    1. a) 'm loving
    2. b) love
    1. a) 're flying
    2. b) fly
    1. a) 'm hoping
    2. b) hope
    1. a) are doing
    2. b) do
Správné odpovědi: 1) 'm spending , 2) stay , 3) 're staying , 4) 'm listening , 5) writing , 6) often snows , 7) 're going , 8) know , 9) love , 10) 're flying , 11) hope , 12) are doing
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