Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z americké vánoční koledy z 19. století.
noun - the part of a church where the bells are located
noun - a metal object shaped like a cup, which makes a ringing sound
verb - to show respect by bending your neck or body
noun - a religious song that people sing at Christmas
noun - a feeling of complete hopelessness
adjective - well known, not strange
noun - hatred, a very strong feeling of dislike towards something
noun - a simple religious song (where only a few words are repeated again and again)
noun - a ringing sound (of a clock, bell etc.)
noun - all the Christians or Christian countries
verb - to laugh at something rudely, to make something look funny or stupid
verb - to make a ringing sound or noise
verb - to win over something
verb - to rotate, to turn round and round
verb - to make a deep continuous sound (like a drum, thunder etc.)
adjective - very beautiful, of very good quality
noun - a wish to do something
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