Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně skupiny Escape from Earth
adjective - not asleep any more
noun - responsibility for something bad
noun - a small dish, we usually drink tea or coffee out of it
verb - to say that something is not true
verb - not to be afraid to deal with something difficult, dangerous or unpleasant
verb - to put in as much as possible, to make something full, to become full
verb - to mend, to repair, to make sth. functional again
verb - to make somebody become healthy again, to become healthy again
noun - something said that is not true
adjective - exactly like something else, not different
noun - a dark shape that is made by an object or person etc. when it blocks out light
noun - room, empty place
adjective - powerful, able to lift heavy things
noun - a mark left by something or somebody
noun - true facts or information
preposition - in, inside of, between the boundaries
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