Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Then and Now, pages 52 – 53
adverb - with nobody else, with nobody's help
noun - the act of washing your body in a bathtub
noun - a plant that is used for making clothes, e.g. T-shirts etc.
verb - to make something, to cause something new to exist
verb - to stop living, to become dead
verb - to get money from working
noun - a large area of open land used especially for farming
verb - to dislike something very much
adjective - having great value, meaning or influence
verb - to get some knowledge, or skill
verb - to use your eyes, to try to see
verb - to feel a strong affection for somebody
verb - to become somebody's husband or wife
adjective - having happened already
noun - a piece of writing written in sound and line patterns
verb - to have an opinion, to believe something
conjunction - up to that time
noun - a part of the house outside of the main door, it has its own floor and roof, but not an outside wall
verb - to wish to have something, to need
verb - to do an activity or job, especially to earn money
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