Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z pohádky Oscara Wildea
adjective - feeling guilty and embarassed because you have done something bad
noun - concentrating on something
verb - to worry; to worry about
noun - a kind of a village house
verb - to earn something good or bad because of what you have done
adjective - extremely loving, loyal and faithful
verb - to die by being underwater and unable to breathe, to let somebody die in this way
adjective - feeling envy
noun - something that has only been made up but is not real
noun - the white powder made from grains used for baking (bread etc.)
noun - a friendly relationship between people
adjective - fair, not telling lies, not stealing
noun - a small red or black round juicy fruit with a hard stone inside
adverb - that is shared with somebody else
verb - to ask somebody to come to a place with you, e.g. to a party or cinema, or restaurant etc.
adjective - unhappy because of being alone
noun - a place in the street where you can buy things
noun - a person whose job is to make flour from grain
noun - a person who lives next door to you
verb - to move your head forward and down to express agreement, acceptance etc.
noun - a smell, esp. an unpleasant smell
verb - to hear (by accident) what somebody is saying to someone else
adjective - willing to wait calmly
noun - a sweet bluish fruit with a stone inside
noun - a small flat bag inside your clothes where you can put your wallet etc, or your hands when it is cold
noun - an artificial or natural area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake
noun - a person trained in religious duties and performing religious ceromonies
noun - a small plant with evergreen leaves and pale yellow flowers that bloom in spring; you may find cultivars of various colours
adjective - feeling good about yourself because of what you are, what you have or what you have done
noun - a small animal with long ears, it eats grass and people keep them as pets or for their meat
noun - an animal that looks like a large mouse, it has a long tail and sharp teeth
noun - (human quality) thinking only about himself/herself, not about other people or their needs
adjective - foolish, not clever
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
noun - the last meal of the day, or a snack that you eat before you go to bed
adjective - thinking about other people and their needs
noun - a tree that grows near ponds or lakes, it has very long thin branches
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