Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Další slovíčka z Wildeovy pohádky The Devoted Friend
adjective - worried and fearful
noun - a large farm building where crops can be stored
noun - a person who works with iron, makes and repairs things made of iron, esp. horseshoes
noun - a kind of food baked from flour and water, you can make sandwiches and toasts from it
noun - a round object used to fasten clothes
noun - a loose piece of clothing that has no sleeves, you fasten it around the neck (it was used in the past)
noun - that state of something
noun - the time between the sunrise and sunset
noun - somebody's responsibility for a problem, for a mistake etc.
noun - a place in the room where you can light a fire
adjective - silly, not wise or sensible
verb - not to know something that you knew before
noun - a ceremony concerning the burial of a dead person
adjective - willing to give things away, not mean
noun - an opening, an empty space in something
verb - to cause somebody to feel pain, to injure
noun - a small business offering accommodation, food, and drink to travelers, typically located along highways or in rural areas
adverb - in the place of
noun - a piece of equipment that is used to climb up something, it consists of two long pieces of wood or ropes on the sides and steps between them
adjective - not wanting to do any work, slow, unwilling
noun - something or someone you have lost
verb, British English - to fix something that has been broken or not working properly
noun - a very wet area covered with grass
noun - the message of a story (the lesson you learn from it)
noun - a small book into which you can write things which you want to remember
verb - to give a command that has to be obeyed
noun - a small tube with a small bowl for tobbaco at one end, it is used for smoking
noun - a thick, long wooden board, it is used for building
verb - not to accept something, not to do what somebody wants you to do
verb - to make something that has been broken work again; to mend, to fix
noun - the top of a building that protects it from rain and wind and snow
verb - to give something to somebody for money
noun - a white farm animal that is kept for wool or meat
adjective - feeling nervous about talking to people, especially strangers
noun - an act that is considered wrong by your religion
noun - a long thin piece of wood etc.
adjective - with very bad weather, with wind and rain
noun - the time when the sun disappears from the sky in the evening
noun - the feeling of understanding somebody who is very sad or unhappy
noun - a round object that turns to let a vehicle, such as a car, move forward
noun - a large open container with one wheel that you use to move things in
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