Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o anglických hádankách
noun, formal - an animal, especially one that is considered dangerous or unusual
verb - to cut or hurt by using the teeth
noun - the air that you take inside your body
noun - an instrument used for sweeping the floor
verb - to make a high sound typical of glass or metal
verb - to eat something greedily; to destroy something completely
noun - the drops of water that form on the ground in the night and early morning
noun - a very hard and very valuable jewel
noun - an oval white thing that comes from hens, people eat it boiled or fried etc.
noun - a green precious stone or jewel, a bright green colour
verb - to move back and forth, form side to side, or up and down (in the air), to fly in this manner
verb - to bite at something repeatedly
verb - to break things into very small particles, usually in a special instrument
verb - to get bigger, larger or older
verb - to put something in a place where it cannot be found or seen
noun - a joint (usually metal) that makes it possible for a door, window etc. to be opened and closed
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 26) a hard strong metal used in industry, steel is made from it
noun - the top of a container that you can take off
noun - the breathing organs in your body
noun - a female servant, a person whose job is to clean and tidy up hotel rooms
noun - armour made from many small metal rings
noun - powder made by crushing something (esp. seeds, grains etc)
adjective - very powerful
verb - to say something angrily in a way that it can be heard but not understood easily
noun - a deep loud sound like that of a lion
noun - the part of a plant which is under the ground and through which it gets nutrients from the soil
verb - to damage something, to make something lose its value, function, beauty etc.
verb, literary - to kill, to murder
noun - a hard strong metal made from iron mixed with carbon, it is used for making knives etc.
noun - the front part of the neck, especially the tube in it; the back part of your mouth
noun - an amount of valuable things, such as gold, silver, diamonds etc.
noun - one of the two parts that birds use for flying, one of similar part on an aircraft that enables it to fly
adverb - in spite of that
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