Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z básně Roberta Frosta
verb - to curve
noun - a right to have or own something
verb - to move apart
verb - not to be sure about something
adverb - in the same way, to the same degree
adjective - covered with grass
adverb, formal - from here; from this time
verb - to put a spot somewhere as a sign of something
adverb - maybe, possibly
noun - the act of letting out a deep breath with a sound which shows that you are tired, disappointed, sad
noun - one of a series of actions that you do to achieve something
verb - to make steps with your feet
noun - the bushes, tall grass, ferns, etc. that grow under the trees in a wood or forest
noun - the damage which is caused by long use of something
noun - a small forest, a place with many trees
adverb - in spite of that
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