Vydáno dne 11.03.2007
Otestujte si znalost použití slovíček OTHER, THE OTHER, ANOTHER, OTHERS atd.
Podrobné vysvětlení této gramatiky naleznete zde:
I answered the phone, but all that was on ________ end was silence.
The two countries had been at war with one ________ for many years.
Sunday is not nearly as busy as ________ days of the week.
Our team only plays every ________ Sunday and the match usually takes an hour.
I decided to come to you, because I have no ________ friends.
I have a lot of great books. If you don't like that one, I'll lend you ________.
I think that the third Jurassic Park movie wasn't as good as ________.
We soon realized that we couldn't live without each ________ and decided to get married.
He believes in reincarnation and he always speaks about what he was and what he did in ________ life.
Many people know the ‘Golden Rule’: “Treat ________ the way you would like to be treated.”