British and American English
Vocabulary Quiz
Následující věty pronesl Američan. V každé je použito jedno slovíčko, které je specifické pro americkou angličtinu. Vaším úkolem je vybrat z nabídky slovíčko, které by ve stejném významu použil Brit. Po vyhodnocení si můžete přečíst vysvětlení odpovědí. Zobrazí se také tabulka se stručným přehledem těchto slov.
He bought some chips on his way from school.
- biscuits
- crackers
- crisps
- French fries
A large truck was parked in front of the building.
- coach
- double-decker
- ferry
- lorry
I saw the children playing in the yard.
- field
- garden
- lane
- playground
I'm too lazy so I always take the elevator.
- chair
- lift
- underground
- van
Can you lend me a flashlight? It's too dark outside.
- lantern
- lighter
- match
- torch
Honey, can you take out the trash?
- garbage
- knives and forks
- rubbish
- shopping
The car pulled up at the stop lights.
- emergency lights
- headlights
- highlights
- traffic lights
She bought a packet of cookies.
- biscuits
- candy
- sweets
- wooden spoons
Have you seen my new apartment?
- cottage
- flat
- room
- suite
A drunken man was lying on the sidewalk.
- driveway
- path
- pavement
- pedestrian crossing
“Can I help you?” – “Yes, I'm looking for some
- binoculars
- trainers
- trousers
- underpants
My son starts school this fall.
- autumn
- fortnight
- semester
- term
His office is on the first floor.
- in the basement
- on the first storey
- on the ground floor
- on the second floor
Black smoke was coming from under the hood.
- bonnet
- boot
- exhaust pipe
- roof
There was a hole in his pants.
- knickers
- panties
- trousers
- underpants
I love canned fruit!
- candied
- jarred
- peeled
- tinned
Excuse me, where is the restroom?
- are the toilets
- is the cloakroom
- is the restaurant
- is the waiting room
The room was dirty and the faucet was broken.
- door handle
- light switch
- radiator
- tap
Gas is getting more and more expensive.
- Fare
- Gasoline
- Oil
- Petrol
He was in the school soccer team a few years ago.
- cricket
- football
- rugby
- wrestling
Správné odpovědi:
1) c,
2) d,
3) b,
4) b,
5) d,
6) c,
7) d,
8) a,
9) b,
10) c,
11) b,
12) a,
13) c,
14) a,
15) c,
16) d,
17) a,
18) d,
19) d,
20) b