Multiple choice: Disneyland

Vydáno dne 14.04.2007

Do textu, který vypráví o Disneylandu, doplníte deset vynechaných slov (z nabídnutých možností).

Reliving the Dream at Disneyland

Cinderella's Castle at Disneyland

Cinderella's Castle

I'm a 34 year old father of one who grew up in Southern California. When I was a child, it wasn't ________________________________ (1) for me and my family to visit Disneyland at least three times a year. When I ________________________________ (2) a teenager, Disneyland no ________________________________ (3) interested me because the things that seemed so large in my ________________________________ (4) appeared a lot smaller in reality. You could say that, for me, the magic of the Magic Kingdom had  ________________________________ (5) .

Now, through the eyes of my daughter, a ________________________________ (6) trip to Disneyland has rekindled many of the ________________________________ (7) feelings I once had as a child about the Happiest Place on Earth. Several things have changed about Disneyland over the years. ________________________________ (8) , the one thing that remains constant is the look of ________________________________ (9) in a child's face when they walk through the entrance and into Main Street for the ________________________________ (10) first time.

from an article by Michael A. Stazko

    1. a) indifferent
    2. b) irregular
    3. c) uncommon
    4. d) useless
    1. a) became
    2. b) got
    3. c) started
    4. d) turned
    1. a) greater
    2. b) later
    3. c) longer
    4. d) sooner
    1. a) image
    2. b) imagery
    3. c) images
    4. d) imagination
    1. a) been
    2. b) come
    3. c) gone
    4. d) seemed
    1. a) early
    2. b) late
    3. c) lately
    4. d) recent
    1. a) fond
    2. b) found
    3. c) founded
    4. d) profound
    1. a) However
    2. b) Moreover
    3. c) Secondly
    4. d) Unfortunately
    1. a) eyes
    2. b) marvel
    3. c) unease
    4. d) wonder
    1. a) full
    2. b) most
    3. c) real
    4. d) very
Správné odpovědi: 1) uncommon , 2) became , 3) longer , 4) imagination , 5) gone , 6) recent , 7) fond , 8) However , 9) wonder , 10) very
About the author of the article:
Michael A. Stazko is a Plano TX real estate agent and founder of a website that provides information on San Diego real estate and attractions. Visit his website to view pictures of his trip to Disneyland California.
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