Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně zpěvačky Schuyler Fisk
adjective - not asleep any more
adverb - lower, at a lower place
preposition - next to, by the side of
adjective - involved in something involuntarily
verb - to say something that has an opposite meaning of something
verb - to put on different clothes, a false beard etc. so that people don't recognise you
verb - to see pictures in your head while you are sleeping
adjective - very attractive, delightful
verb - not to reveal something that people must not know
verb - to have your body in a flat position, like when you are resting or sleeping
verb - to close with a key
verb - to have something no more; to put something somewhere where you can't find it
noun - thoughts and feelings etc, the part of the brain that does the thinking etc.
noun - something which is impossible or difficult to understand
noun - peace, silence
noun - something that makes you decide to do something
verb - to protect from death or from damage
noun - something that is kept hidden from people, something not known to people
noun - an idea, opinion
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