Vydáno dne 04.04.2007
Slovní zásoba pro začátečníky: materiály
noun - material used for making clothes etc.
noun - a plant that is used for making clothes, e.g. T-shirts etc.
noun - a material that is used for making bottles, window panes etc.
noun - a hard white substance made by baking clay at high temperatures
noun - a material that is used for making shoes, jackets, bags etc.
noun - a hard material that is used for making parts of a car, locomotive etc. or smaller things like knives and spoons etc.
noun - thin material that books are made of, it is used for writing on etc.
noun - an artificial material that is used for making almost everything, bags, clothes, pens, etc.
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 47) a metal that is used for making jewellery and coins, it is whitish in colour and cheaper than gold
noun - a hard strong metal made from iron mixed with carbon, it is used for making knives etc.
noun - a hard mineral
noun - a material that is made from tree trunks, it is used for making furniture or for burning in a fire
noun - the material or thread that is made from sheep's thick hair
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