Vydáno dne 01.05.2007
Cvičný test cambridgeské zkoušky FCE zaměřený na gramatiku a slovní zásobu, část 4. Každý řádek textu může, ale také nemusí obsahovat nějaké slovo navíc. Vaším úkolem je dané slovo objevit, pokud se v řádce takové slovo vyskytuje.
1) When I was young, I lived in a place called Coromandel in
New Zealand. I was been taken there by my parents when I was a few
2) weeks old, and lived there until I was fourteen years. I still think
3) of that period as the happiest time of my life. My life was much
4) uncomplicated then and Coromandel was a magical place. It ___________________________(4)
5) had been a busy gold-mining town, but that was long before ___________________________(5)
6) my family have arrived. By then it had become a very run-down ___________________________(6)
7) place. My father was a doctor, and people would pay to him ___________________________(7)
8) in sheep, pigs, hens and, occasionally, the pieces of gold. He would ___________________________(8)
9) have preferred paying money, of course, but they simply didn’t have ___________________________(9)
10) any. My sister and I had no many cares at all. We went to the village
11) school, which together was attended by just twenty children of all ages. ___________________________(11)
12) Out of school hours, we looked after lots animals on the farms ___________________________(12)
13) around the town, although we didn't really have a clue how
14) long to do it. Coromandel is a large and busy tourist resort now, ___________________________(14)
15) but it was peaceful town when I was a child, and I would ___________________________(15)
16) like doing nothing better than to go back to relive my memories. ___________________________(16)
Správné odpovědi: 1) been ; 2) years ; 3) much ; 4) ok ; 5) ok ; 6) have ; 7) to ; 8) the ; 9) paying ; 10) many ; 11) together ; 12) lots ; 13) ok ; 14) long ; 15) town ; 16) doing