Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z básně H. W. Longfellowa
noun - a large brownish bird with a long curved beak, which lives near water
adjective - a little wet, not really dry
verb - to remove something completely
noun - marks left on the ground, in the snow etc. by somebody's feet
verb - to move or act quickly, to be in a hurry
noun - a groom, a person whose job is to take care of the horses in a stable
verb - to make a horse's cry
verb - to start to live in a place; to sit down comfortably
noun - the line of land along the sea or lake
noun - a compartment in a stable etc. for a single animal
verb - to hit the ground with the bottom of your foot or feet
noun, literary - a horse
noun - the movement of the sea level caused by the gravity of the moon
noun - the light from the sky after the sun goes down but before it becomes completely dark
noun - a raised surface of something, e.g. of the sea
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