Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně skupiny (intheclear)
noun - metal covering of the body worn in history by soldiers in order to protect them in a fight
noun - believing something or somebody
adjective - having no bottom
noun - the air that you take inside your body
adverb - all the time, without stopping
adjective - behaving dishonestly
noun - a very evil ghost or spirit
noun - a step in front of a door
verb - to die by being underwater and unable to breathe, to let somebody die in this way
noun - the place where a road becomes divided into several roads going in different directions
verb - to take hold of something suddenly
noun - great sadness, esp. caused by the death of a person you loved
noun - a state of complete confusion
adjective - unable to feel anything
noun - extreme anger and violence
verb - to move your hand to touch something, to move your hand up in order to do something
noun - things that come one after another
adjective - peaceful, not worried or troubled
noun - a flow of water over land or in the sea or ocean
verb - to die because you can't breathe, to die because of a lack of oxygen
verb - to change one thing into another
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