Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně Roda Stewarta
noun - a way of pronunciation typical for a particular group of people
adjective - improvised, not prepared in advance
noun - an event that is talked about
adjective - continuing forever
noun - something that attracts you or appeals to you
adjective - (of a woman) having big breasts
verb - to cut or hurt by using the teeth
noun - light wind
noun - all the clients
verb - to admit that you have done something
noun - a very fine quality, beauty or delicacy
noun - a kind of special attraction of something
noun - a thing that you often do, usually regularly and almost without thinking
adjective - so great that it cannot be measured
adjective - very big, huge; great
noun - a soft cloth with a pattern of holes in it
adjective - expressing personal feelings and strong emotion
adjective - connected with the body
noun - an opinion on something, the way of looking at something
adverb - completely
verb - to practice playing, dancing, singing etc. for a performance
noun - one of the five physical powers ( sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)
verb - to tell a story
adjective - not affected by time
adjective - not noticed
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