Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně skupiny Chamberflow
verb - to lose blood
verb - to take air inside your body and let it out (through your nose and mouth into your lungs and out)
noun - an mythical evil character that lives in hell and has two horns on his head
verb - to lose strength, energy, colour, volume etc. slowly
noun - a feeling you have when you are in a dangerous situation or scary situation
verb, taboo - to do something badly, to damage or harm something (vulgar)
noun - a smile, esp. one showing your teeth
verb - to put something in a place where it cannot be found or seen
noun - the period of your life when you are a child
adjective - not guilty, not having done anything bad or wrong
verb - to think about what happened
adjective - causing pain, hurting
verb - to get up, to get upright
noun - one of the five physical powers ( sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)
verb - to let something or somebody go (from prison etc.)
noun - an act that is considered wrong by your religion
noun - the outer covering of the body
verb - to hurt someone with a knife or another sharp object
verb - to make a very serious promise
noun - true facts or information
noun - the act of turning around
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