Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovní zásoba z písně skupiny The Static Age.
noun - the grey powder left after a fire
adverb - lower, at a lower place
adjective - empty, with no writing on it, not filled in
verb - to be on fire
noun - an evergreen coniferous tree
verb - to do maths
verb - to count backwards (esp. before something is supposed to happen - an explosion of a bomb, the launch of a rocket etc.)
noun - counting backwards (esp. before something is supposed to happen - an explosion of a bomb, the launch of a rocket etc.)
verb - to come down quickly and violently
verb - to lie comfortably with your body forming a curve (like animals often do)
noun - belief and trust in something
adjective - easily broken or damaged
noun - the ability to move in a relaxed and smooth way
noun - a smile, esp. one showing your teeth
adjective - expressed in words that have a different or the opposite meaning, usually in an angry or sarcastic way
noun - a way of speaking in a way that the words that are said have a different meaning, it is often used to insult people
noun - a soft cloth with a pattern of holes in it
noun - a young sheep
noun - a branch of a tree
noun - kindness that is shown by somebody who has power to hurt someone or make someone suffer
verb - to make a sound more quiet, especially by wrapping the source of the sound in something
verb - to give a religious speech, to tell somebody what to do and try to persuade them that it is right
verb - to hurry; to do something too quickly
noun - holiness, the quality of being holy
verb - to protect from death or from damage
verb - to cry out in terror or intense pain
noun - a long direct look at something
noun - true facts or information
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