Vydáno dne 02.06.2007
V úryvku z povídky Oscara Wilda máte za úkol vyhledat nadbytečná slova.
Once upon a time, there was an honest |
| ___________________________(1)
little man named Hans. He was a very kind |
| ___________________________(2)
and good-humoured. He lived alone in a |
| ___________________________(3)
very small cottage and on every day he |
| ___________________________(4)
worked in his garden. It was the most |
| ___________________________(5)
beautiful garden in all the countryside, |
| ___________________________(6)
full of sweet and flowers of all kinds. |
| ___________________________(7)
There were always much beautiful things |
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to look at and pleasant odours to smell. |
| ___________________________(9)
Little Hans had many friends but his the |
| ___________________________(10)
most devoted friend was the rich Miller. |
| ___________________________(11)
He was so devoted that he did always stopped |
| ___________________________(12)
at his garden to can pick some flowers or |
| ___________________________(13)
fill his pockets with a plums or cherries. |
| ___________________________(14)
"Real friends should have everything in |
| ___________________________(15)
common," the Miller has always said. Little |
| ___________________________(16)
Hans nodded and than smiled. He was very |
| ___________________________(17)
proud of having a friend with such a great |
ideas. | ___________________________(18)
adapted from Oscar Wilde's The Devoted Friend.
Správné odpovědi: 1) ok ; 2) a ; 3) ok ; 4) on ; 5) ok ; 6) ok ; 7) and ; 8) much ; 9) ok ; 10) his / the ; 11) ok ; 12) did ; 13) can ; 14) a ; 15) ok ; 16) has ; 17) than ; 18) a