Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně zpěvačky Tori Amos
verb - to have the same opinion as sb/sth
adjective - knowing or realizing something
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
verb - to record data on a CD or DVD
adjective - without end, everlasting
adverb - (of sleep) deeply; firmly
noun - a servant in a palace etc.
adjective - shaping something or capable of shaping something
verb - to change into a liquid or to something soft (e.g. chocolate or cheese)
adverb - quite, fairly
verb - to take part in a competition whose winner is the fastest one
adjective - full of sand, made of sand
noun - one of the parts of a shirt or a coat etc. that cover the arms
noun - a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes when you are very sad and cry
preposition - until, up to the time
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