Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně skupiny (intheclear)
conjunction - for the reason that
verb - to let something be destroyed or eaten by fire
adjective - having nothing inside, not full
noun - the power to do things, the power that makes things work, e.g. electricity
noun - the front of your head, there are two eyes and a nose and mouth
verb - to know through your senses, to be in a kind of physical or emotional state
verb - to concentrate on something and give it all your attention
verb - to get bigger, larger or older
verb - to wish for something and expect that it will happen
verb - to go away from somewhere or somebody
noun - thoughts and feelings etc, the part of the brain that does the thinking etc.
verb - to show that something is true
adjective - unhappy; making somebody feel unhappy; feeling sorrow
verb - to put something in liquid so that it becomes completely wet
verb - to produce words and sentences
verb - to think, to have an opinion that
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