Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně americké dvojice EVAN AND JARON
verb - to continue, to go on
adverb - all the time, without stopping
adjective - mad or foolish
noun - a feeling of not being sure about something
verb - to drop to the ground
noun - a feeling you have when you are in a dangerous situation or scary situation
verb - to find an answer or a solution to something
verb - to have something in your hand
noun - the way of thinking about something
verb - to go past
verb - to ignore something, to decide not to worry about something
noun - what is left
verb - to move something downward by turning it over
noun - the air above the land with clouds etc.
noun - something that can be heard
verb - to use or pass time
verb - to ask yourself questions, to keep thinking about
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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