Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o keltech
adjective - of a high level
noun - a forefather, a person in the family who lived a very long time before
noun - a fight between enemies
noun - a dividing line between two countries
noun - bravery, doing something dangerous without being afraid or showing fear
verb - to win over somebody in a fight
verb - to damage something badly, usually in a way that it cannot function any more or can be used no longer
verb - to make somebody move quickly or run in front of you
noun - a formal event in which a candidate for an important post has to be chosen by a number of people
noun - an important public event (esp. in rural areas) where farm products were displayed and sold
noun - a building that can protect people in an attack
adjective - making you feel very afraid
noun - a group of trees growing together, a small cultivated wood
noun - an ancient war carriage that was drawn by a horse
noun - the leader or the head of a tribe, group etc.
noun - a state of not needing or relying on anything or anybody
verb - to enter a territory or country by force
verb - to use a special tool to break up soil in the field
noun - a person trained in religious duties and performing religious ceromonies
verb - to have the power over a country, people etc. and use it
adjective - connected with a god, respected by religious people
noun - something important that you give up for something that you think is even more important
noun - the substance in the ground in which plants grow
noun - a large building where religious ceremonies take place and where people go to pray
noun - a group of people of the same race, customs, language etc.
noun - a soldier, a person who fights in a battle or war
noun - a thing that is used to fight with, e.g. a gun, knife, cannon, missile, baseball bat etc.
verb - to treat somebody as a god, to show great respect (to god)
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