Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Food and Drink, pages 66–67
noun - a kind of round fruit which usually has a red, yellow or green skin
noun - a long yellow tropical fruit
noun - an alcoholic drink which is made from barley, it is light or dark brown and has a lot of foam on top
noun, British English - a kind of flat thin dry cake that is often sweet
noun - a kind of long orange vegetable that grows in the ground
noun - a hot black drink, sometimes drank with milk and/or sugar
adjective - very tasty, very good or pleasant, cute
noun - a flat piece of fried ground meat in a bun, usually with ketchup, mustard, lettuce, onions and other vegetables
noun - a kind of milk product, usually white or yellow, people eat it with bread, on pizza, with pasta etc.
noun, British English - fried long thin pieces of potatoes
noun - sweet brown food made from cocoa
noun - the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables or a drink made from such liquids
noun - water that comes from a natural source and contains some minerals
noun - a kind of fruit similar to a tangerine, it has a thick orange skin and juicy inside
noun - a vegetable in the shape of round green seeds that grow in pods
noun - a kind of savoury cake with cheese, tomato sauce, ham etc., it comes from Italy
noun - long strings of pasta that are boiled and eaten with tomato sauce and cheese etc.
noun - a small red fruit that usually grows in the garden, it is sweet and juicy
noun - a kind of hot drink made from dry leaves of some plants, people in Britain often drink it with milk
noun - a kind of red vegetable that is used for example for making ketchup
noun - an alcoholic drink made from grapes
noun - a milk product with a slightly sour taste, usually with a flavour of fruits, chocolate etc.
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