Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Reading and speaking, pages 70–71
noun - a part of a meal (esp. dinner) which is served at one time
verb - to rely on, to be influenced by
noun - the world where we live
verb - to see or discover something which you have been looking for
noun - a small tool with sharp points, we use it when we eat for putting meat etc. in our mouth
noun - a piece of electrical equipment where you store food in order to keep it cold and fresh
adjective - having no empty space, having as much as possible
noun - a sea fish that is eaten, it usually swims in large groups
adjective - belonging to people or being like people
noun - on of the two long thin sticks that are used in China, Japan etc. to eat with (instead of a knife and fork)
noun - a unit measuring weight (1,000 g)
noun - a sharp metal object which you can use for cutting things
noun - the time when people eat or the food that is eaten at this time (e.g. lunch, dinner, breakfast)
noun - a long thin strip of pasta
adverb - at the present time, not in the past
noun, British English - fuel used in motor cars
noun - a small flat bag inside your clothes where you can put your wallet etc, or your hands when it is cold
adjective - not having much money, not wealthy
noun - a very small fish that is often eaten out of tins
noun - a mixture of meat filled in a thin tube
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