Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Pages 72–73
noun - smoked and salted pieces of pork usually in thin pieces
verb - to take something that you will give back later
noun - a dish with meat, rice, a lot of spices etc. which comes from India
noun - a sweet dish that is eaten at the end of the meal
noun - a piece of electrical equipment which you use for washing the dishes
adjective - (about drinks) full of little bubbles
verb - to give somebody something for a period of time after which you will want it back
noun - the list of the foods which you can have at a restaurant etc.
verb - to hand over, to give
noun - a set of instructions for cooking something
noun - a white substance that is used in cooking in order to preserve food or to improve the taste, it is present in the water of the seas and oceans
noun - the sweet white substance that people put in their tea or coffee etc. to make it sweeter
adjective - tasting of sugar
noun - a slice of bread that is made crispy and brown on the sides by heating it
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