Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Bigger and better, page 74
adjective - large, not small
adjective - not holding your attention, not interesting
noun - a large town with many people
adjective - not dirty
noun - an area outside towns or cities
adjective - not safe, could cause injury or death
adjective - covered in dirt, not clean
adjective - making you feel intensive pleasure
adjective - costing a lot of money, not cheap
adjective - travelling at a high speed, not slow
adjective - behaving like a friend, kind, open
adjective - costing little money, not expensive
adjective - new, made at present or recent past, not old-fashioned
adjective - making loud unpleasant sounds
adjective - not young or new
adjective - calm, peaceful, not noisy
adjective - not dangerous, not possible to be hurt
adjective - travelling at a low speed, not fast
adjective - little, not big
adjective - not behaving in a nice way towards somebody
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