Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Adjectives, page 100
adjective - wrong; not good
adjective - acting in a way that prevents damage or harm
adjective - happening before the usual time
adjective - not difficult, of low difficulty, able to be done without much effort or trouble
adjective - able to speak (esp. a foreign language) correctly, easily and quickly
adjective - lucky
adjective - right, acceptable; not bad
adjective - not easy
adjective - done or happening at once, without delay
adjective - making loud unpleasant sounds
adjective - not taking much time, soon finished
adjective - calm, peaceful, not noisy
adjective - true, not imagined
adjective - travelling at a low speed, not fast
adjective - happening quickly and unexpectedly
adjective - extremely bad
adjective - having the usual signs or qualities of other things or people of the same kind
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