Cvičení: Frázová slovesa s LOOK

Vydáno dne 23.07.2007

Cvičení na frázová slovesa se slovesem LOOK, ve kterém budete mít za úkol do deseti vět doplnit správnou částici či předložku.

Do každé mezery doplňte vždy jedno jediné slovo - částici či předložku.

1. Many people look ___________________________(1) on school days with nostalgia.

2. Look ___________________________(2) ! The sidewalk is slippery!

3. Hey, look ___________________________(3) the time! I'm going to miss the bus to school!

4. A stray dog attacked a woman in the park yesterday. The authorities are looking ___________________________(4) the incident.

5. Here you are! I've been looking ___________________________(5) you everywhere!

6. He was afraid that his classmates would look ___________________________(6) on him because of his religious beliefs.

7. I told him he was an imbecile. He didn't know what it was so he had to look it  ___________________________(7) .

8. If you want your DVDs to last longer, you should look ___________________________(8) them better.

9. People looked ___________________________(9) to him as if he was some kind of god.

10. Everybody is looking ___________________________(10) to the New Year's Eve party. It's going to be great!

Správné odpovědi: 1) back ; 2) out ; 3) at ; 4) into ; 5) for ; 6) down ; 7) up ; 8) after ; 9) up ; 10) forward
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