Cvičení: Frázová slovesa s TAKE

Vydáno dne 06.08.2007

Cvičení na frázová slovesa se slovesem TAKE, ve kterém budete mít za úkol do deseti vět doplnit správnou částici či předložku.

Do každé mezery doplňte vždy jedno jediné slovo - částici či předložku.

1. He pulled out a fat notebook and began to take ___________________________(1) what I said.

2. The picture of David Beckham took ___________________________(2) the entire page.

3. She didn't get promoted because she didn't look ready to take ___________________________(3) more responsibility.

4. My fascination with spiders took ___________________________(4) when I got my first tarantula.

5. If he takes ___________________________(5) his dad, he'll be a great musician.

6. Unlike other girls, my daughter never took ___________________________(6) teddy bears or dolls. She preferred toy cars.

7. Those sunglasses look silly on you. Take them ___________________________(7) before anyone sees you.

8. In the movie, aliens are going to take ___________________________(8) the world. Fortunately, people find a way to stop them from their evil plan.

10. The concerts in the Market Square give our visitors an extra opportunity to take ___________________________(9) the wonderful atmosphere of Warwick.

9. If the MP3 player doesn't work properly, you should take it ___________________________(10) for a refund.

Správné odpovědi: 1) down ; 2) up ; 3) on ; 4) off ; 5) after ; 6) to ; 7) off ; 8) over ; 9) in ; 10) back
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