Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka ze songu písničkářky Jan Krist
noun - a number of things close together, a group of things
noun - a very hard and very valuable jewel
verb - to make something or someone extremely wet
noun - the act of putting your arms around somebody to show your affection
adjective - without end, everlasting
verb, American English - to be unsuccessful in something
noun - a story for children, especially one about princesses, dragons, knights, witches etc.
adjective - covered with frost
noun - God's kindness to people
noun - the sweet substance that is produced by bees
noun - the holiday two people have after getting married
verb - to draw very close to somebody
verb - to produce a low buzzing sound, to sing in this way
adjective - made to be quiet
noun - a small piece of something that has broken off (e.g. of wood, stone etc.)
noun - kindness that is shown by somebody who has power to hurt someone or make someone suffer
noun - a wonderful event that you thought was impossible
noun - a shellfish that people eat and that sometimes produces pearls
noun - a track for walking along
noun - a small hard object that sometimes forms in an oyster, it is used to make jewellery
noun - the state of being poor, not having any money
verb - to wish something
verb - to describe how something happened, to tell a story
verb - to bring back to life or consciousness; to give new life to something
noun - the feeling you have when you have achieved something; something that makes you happy
verb - to try very hard to do something or achieve something
adjective - fastened on a string
verb - to buy something (esp. a newspaper or magazine) which you will receive regularly
noun - the determination to go on, not to stop
noun - a song, a melody
noun - a lot of money or valuable things that you own
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