Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z povídky o mladém vlkodlakovi
noun - the body part connecting your shoulder to your hand, you have two of them
noun - the side of the river, lake etc.
verb - to make a sound like a dog's 'woof'
adjective - fearless, having courage
noun - a plant like a small low tree
verb - to take something that has been moving into your hand
verb - to put something over the top of something
noun - a stream, a flow (of water, electricity etc.)
verb - to make a choice, to make up your mind
verb - to become impossible to see or find
verb - to make something not wet or humid
verb - to make somebody amused
noun - a wild animal that looks like a dog, it is usually red and has got a thick tail
noun - a wild rabbit, bigger, with longer ears and legs
verb - to chase and kill an animal, usually for food or sport
noun - the ability to form pictures in your mind, the ability to get new and original ideas
adjective - not able to be done, not possible
noun - a young cat
noun - a young sheep
noun - a large expanse of scenery or countryside
noun - something or someone you have lost
noun - something built as a memory of something or somebody
noun - a place where flour is made from grain
noun - a person whose job is to make flour from grain
adjective - not wearing any clothes
noun - a number of animals living and hunting together (esp. wolves)
adjective - having in mind one person or thing, not talking about things or people in general
noun - the part of a railway station where you get on or off a train
noun - a small area of still water
noun - a young dog
verb - to protect from death or from damage
noun - a loud cry of terror or intense pain
verb - to shake from cold
noun - the outer covering of the body
verb - to fall because your feet slide and you lose your balance
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
verb - to take off your clothes or to take off someone else's clothes
noun - the time when the sun disappears from the sky in the evening
verb - to put something (usually food or drink) in your mouth in order to test if it is good or not
noun - the front part of the neck, especially the tube in it; the back part of your mouth
noun - clothes that are worn directly on the body under other clothes, e.g. bra, panties, underpants etc.
adjective - not natural
verb - to disappear suddenly
noun - a creature from horror stories, a person who changes into a wolf when there is full moon
adjective - (of animals, plants etc.) living in natural conditions; not grown or bred by people
noun - a small forest, a place with many trees
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