Přepis vět 1

Vydáno dne 09.08.2007

Key Word Transformation Test – druh testu typický pro cambridgské zkoušky, kde máte za úkol přepsat věty jiným způsobem, ale zachovat význam původní věty.

Doplňte druhou větu ve dvojici s použitím zadaného slova tak, aby její význam byl stejný či podobný významu první věty. Je nutné zachovat tvar zadaného slova (nelze např. přidat či ubrat koncovku -s, -ing, apod.)

Do každé mezery doplňte dvě až pět slov.

1. It's hot today, but it was boiling yesterday.


Yesterday it was ___________________________(1) today.

2. People say that cats have nine lives.


Cats ___________________________(2) nine lives.

3. I moved here two years ago.


I ___________________________(3) two years.

4. „Wait here,“ my brother told me.


My brother ___________________________(4) there.

5. Mary has to take care of her little brother.


Mary has to ___________________________(5) her little brother.

6. I'm sure they didn't catch their train.


They ___________________________(6) their train.

7. Could you help me with something?


Mark, I ___________________________(7) help me with something.

8. If there is a fire, call 911.


In ___________________________(8) , call 911.

9. I've never read such a good book!


This is the ___________________________(9) read.

10. I wish I hadn't told him about my relationship with Rachel.


I ___________________________(10) about my relationship with Rachel.

Správné odpovědi: 1) even hotter than ; 2) are said to have ; 3) have been living here for ; 4) told me to wait / wanted me to wait ; 5) look after ; 6) must have missed ; 7) wonder if you could / wonder whether you could ; 8) case of fire / case of a fire ; 9) best book I've ever / best book I have ever ; 10) regret telling him
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