Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Důležité názvy států
noun - the continent and country where you can find Sydney, Melbourne and where kangaroos live
noun - a European country, its capital is Vienna
noun - the country in the north of North America with the capital Ottawa
noun - one of the four main parts of the United Kingdom with the capital London
noun - the country in Europe whose capital is Paris
noun - the country in Europe whose capital is Berlin
noun - a European country, its capital is Athens
noun - a European country, its capital is Budapest
noun - an Asian country, its capital is Beijing
noun - a European country, its capital is Rome
noun - an Asian country, its capital is Tokyo
noun - a European country, its capital is Warsaw
noun - a large country that lies both in Europe and Asia, its capital is Moscow
noun - a European country, its capital is Madrid
noun - the country with the capital Prague
noun - a federation of 50 states, the capital is Washington DC
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