Word formation 4

Vydáno dne 01.09.2007

Test znalosti tvoření slov pomocí různých koncovek.

Complete each gap with a suitable form of the word in brackets.

His face was full of sadness (sad) and grief.

1. My parents' anniversary is next month. I think we should start making ___________________________(1) (prepare).

2. I was ___________________________(2) (relief) when I got an A in the math test.

3. Buying a dog is a very serious ___________________________(3) (commit).

4. My sister is very ___________________________(4) (talk). She never shuts her mouth!

5. It was a ___________________________(5) (dread) experience. I don't think I will ever be able to forget it.

6. Send your ___________________________(6) (apply) to the address below together with a cheque for 50 pounds.

7. You've got a new t-shirt! It's very ___________________________(7) (fashion).

8. Jumping into the river to save the boy was very ___________________________(8) (courage) of him. Both of them might have died!

9. It's ___________________________(9) (sense) to keep your valuables in a safe place. You never know what could happen.

10. Many people deny the ___________________________(10) (exist) of God.

Správné odpovědi: 1) preparations ; 2) relieved ; 3) commitment ; 4) talkative ; 5) dreadful ; 6) application / applications ; 7) fashionable ; 8) courageous ; 9) sensible ; 10) existence

Stovky podobných vět k doplnění naleznete také v naší online aplikaci English Me. Více informací zde.


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