Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o anglických jazykolamech
adjective - costing nothing, given out without money
verb - to throw something carelessly
noun - a material that is used for making shoes, jackets, bags etc.
noun - a large leaf tree with hard wood
noun - a wooden pole with a flat end that you use to row a boat
adjective - connected with the life outside towns
adjective - thinking only about himself/herself, not about other people or their needs
noun - a large sea fish with big sharp teeth, it is usually dangerous
adjective - very sensitive and quick to understand
noun - a hard covering of an animal, e.g. a snail, turtle etc.
noun - an animal that lives in water and has very soft body protected by a hard covering
noun - the line of land along the sea or lake
adjective - clever, intelligent, quick to understand and learn
adverb - of course, definitely
adjective - having a large distance between its sides
adjective - having only a short distance between its sides
noun - the act of sending something through air by fast and strong movement of the hand
adverb - really, in truth
adjective - evil, very bad
verb - to want something that can happen by luck, to want to do something
noun - a woman (usually old) who can do magic and e.g. fly on the broomstick, make potions etc.
noun - a brown North American rodent, it is also sometimes called 'groundhog' or 'land beaver'
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