Fashion & Clothes vocabulary test

Vydáno dne 29.09.2007

Test znalosti slovíček spojených s oblečením a módou.

  1. Before you go into a church, you should ________ your hat.

    1. put away
    2. put off
    3. take off
    4. take out
  2. No ________ conscious teenager would ever wear a shirt like that.

    1. cloth
    2. dress
    3. fashion
    4. wear
  3. Mike ________ up his sleeves and got down to work.

    1. did
    2. let
    3. rolled
    4. took
  4. Do you have this jacket in a bigger ________? I'm afraid this one is too small for me.

    1. fit
    2. measure
    3. number
    4. size
  5. Do you like my new snowboard ________?

    1. costume
    2. dress
    3. dressing
    4. outfit
  6. I think you should ________ a little if you want to go to a fancy party like that.

    1. dress up
    2. get dressed
    3. put on
    4. wear
  7. “Do you have the tickets?” – “Yes, they're right here in my ________.”

    1. bucket
    2. packet
    3. pocket
    4. socket
  8. Jamie works in a big firm now. He has to wear a suit and ________ all day.

    1. bow
    2. shirt
    3. tie
    4. trousers
  9. My dad is a great cook, but he looks kind of funny in a chef's hat and ________.

    1. a collar
    2. a mac
    3. an anorak
    4. an apron
  10. Many people prefer ________ colors to patterns, stripes etc.

    1. easy
    2. plain
    3. pure
    4. straight
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) c, 3) c, 4) d, 5) d, 6) a, 7) c, 8) c, 9) d, 10) b

Slovíčka z tohoto testu si můžete nastudovat a procvičit zde:
Fashion and Clothes Vocabulary

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