Word formation: William Shakespeare

Vydáno dne 05.10.2007

Test, ve kterém budete mít za úkol do textu o W. Shakespearovi doplnit správné tvary slov uvedených v závorce.

Doplňte do každé mezery správný tvar slova v závorce, který se nejlépe gramaticky a významově hodí do textu. V každé mezeře může být pouze jedno jediné slovo.

william shakespeare

There are many debates on who is the greatest writer in history. Some scholars point to more recent authors such as Hemingway and Steinbeck, while others dismiss these writers ___________________________(1) (entire). One name that comes up more than any other during this type of debate is Shakespeare. His writing, which encompasses the worlds of plays and poetry, is almost ___________________________(2) (universe) regarded as some of the best in ___________________________(3) (exist).

The life of William Shakespeare starts with his ___________________________(4) (born) on April 23, 1564. Much about his early life is hypothesized, as there were not many records kept during the ___________________________(5) (Elizabeth) era. He was born to a family of comfort with a father who was a prominent town ___________________________(6) (office) and was probably able to attend a good grammar schooland had a decent ___________________________(7) (bring up). He married Anne Hathaway at age 18 (she was three months pregnant and eight years older than Shakespeare) in 1582. For the rest of the decade, nothing about Shakespeare appears on record, and these years are ___________________________(8) (general) known as his lost years.

By 1592, William Shakespeare was beginning to make his name as a playwright. By 1594, he was also an actor and part ___________________________(9) (own) of a production company known as The King's Men. Obviously, his ___________________________(10) (act) career did not take off or we would be the lesser for it since it would have taken away from his writing. By 1598, his name started to appear on the front pages of his plays as a selling point.

As things progressed, Shakespeare moved to London where he was able to earn enough money to buy a large house in Blackfriars, and own the second ___________________________(11) (large) house in Stratford, New Place. His last two plays were written after 1613 (and after his ___________________________(12) (retire)). Shakespeare died on his birthday, April 23, in 1616. He was still married to his wife Anne and was survived by her and his two children. His daughter went on to marry, but there are no direct ___________________________(13) (descend) of Shakespeare alive today.

William Shakespeare was ___________________________(14) (usual) as a ___________________________(15) (fame) writer because he gained so much notoriety and fame while he was still alive. His greatest ___________________________(16) (popular), however, did not come until after his ___________________________(17) (die). Today, his plays and poems are still read throughout the world as an example of the greatest English writing ever ___________________________(18) (complete).

Article written by Richard Monk
(FactsMonk.com – a site with facts about everything)

Správné odpovědi: 1) entirely ; 2) universally ; 3) existence ; 4) birth ; 5) Elizabethan ; 6) official / officer ; 7) upbringing ; 8) generally ; 9) owner ; 10) acting ; 11) largest ; 12) retirement ; 13) descendants ; 14) unusual ; 15) famous ; 16) popularity ; 17) death ; 18) completed
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