Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Nejběžnější domácí mazlíčci
noun - a small animal that lives in people's homes as a pet and catches mice
noun - an animal that often lives with people or helps them hunt or work on a farm, it is very friendly, people often keep it as a pet
noun - a small fish that people have in an aquarium or bowl at home as a pet
noun - a small animal often kept as a pet, it has no tail and is bigger than a hamster
noun - a small animal similar to a mouse but with a very short tail, it is often kept as a pet
noun - a young cat
noun - a small furry animal with grey or brown hair and a long tail
noun - a colourful exotic bird which people often keep as a pet, it sometimes learns to say real words
noun - a young dog
noun - a small animal with long ears, it eats grass and people keep them as pets or for their meat
noun - a reptile with a long body and no legs
noun - an animal that usually lives in water, has a large hard shell on its back and short legs
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