Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z anekdoty na Help for English
adjective - without an illness
noun - the kind of work that must be done in a household, such as washing up, ironing, cleaning etc.
noun - a physical examination by a doctor, usually including tests of various kinds
noun - a sickness or disease
verb - to force somebody to do something
verb - to have a sexual intercourse with someone
verb - to do something purposefully, not to forget to do something
noun - food served and eaten at lunch, dinner etc.
noun - the way you are feeling at a particular moment
verb - to make something ready, to get ready
verb - to answer
adjective - not willing to smile or laugh or make jokes
adverb - a few times, not just once
noun - a kind of pressure that you feel when you have too much work to do
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