Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o svátku Guy Fawkes Night
noun - an effort to do something
verb - to let something explode; to destroy something by using explosives
noun - a large fire built outside
noun - a person who makes secret plans with others to do something (esp. sth illegal)
noun - a toy that looks like a person, especially like a baby or a little girl
noun - lack of success
noun - a special day that is celebrated
noun - a person whose job is to stop a fire and save people
noun - bright colourful lights shot into the sky at night, usually on special days and celebrations
adverb - happening by luck
verb - to become uninterested and tired (esp. because nothing interesting is going on)
noun - a dry explosive substance that is used in guns and other weapons to fire bullets etc.
adverb - at the present time, not in the past
noun - a group of people who make laws in a country
noun - a secret plan to do something esp. illegal
noun - the brown sweet sticky substance made by cooking sugar and butter together
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