Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Právnické pojmy z prvního dílu seriálu The O. C.
noun, American English - a person who speaks for people in the court and/or gives them advice about the law
noun - a place where people are judged, where it is decided whether somebody is guilty or innocent
noun - a person who has commited a crime (esp. a serious one)
noun - a crime (esp. a serious one)
noun - an amount of money that is paid as a punishment
noun - a court meeting in which evidence is taken in order to reach a decision
noun - a prison, a building where criminals are kept
noun - a person who has been educated in law and whose job is connected with law
noun - a period of time when a criminal is released and has to behave well
noun - a lawyer who provides legal representation to people who can't afford a lawyer in criminal, juvenile and other cases
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