Cvičení: Přací věty

Vydáno dne 16.11.2007

Pro osm různých situací budete mít za úkol napsat osm přacích vět.

Přečtěte si popis situace a potom napište přací větu, která se nejlépe pro danou situaci hodí.

1. I often travel to Spain but I don't speak the language and I don't understand what people say to me.

I wish ___________________________(1) Spanish.

2. I have very little free time. I think it would be great to have more of it.

I wish ___________________________(2) more free time.

3. My mom doesn't want to let me have my nose pierced.

I wish she ___________________________(3) more tolerant.

4. I'm so sorry I missed the concert yesterday.

I wish I ___________________________(4) the concert yesterday.

5. Jack isn't tall enough to play basketball.

Jack wishes ___________________________(5) taller.

6. You never listen to me!

I wish ___________________________(6) to me!

7. Mary went skiing last weekend and she broke her leg. Now she's in hospital.

Mary wishes ___________________________(7) skiing last weekend.

8. I have to go to work tomorrow. I hate working on Saturdays!

I wish I ___________________________(8) go to work tomorrow.

Správné odpovědi: 1) I could speak / I was able to speak ; 2) I had ; 3) were / was ; 4) hadn't missed / had not missed ; 5) he were / he was ; 6) you would listen / you'd listen ; 7) she hadn't gone / she had not gone ; 8) didn't have to / did not have to
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