Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Hovorové výrazy z druhého dílu seriálu The O.C.
noun, informal - the soft part of your body that you sit on (very informal)
noun, informal - a very stupid person (offensive)
adjective - absolutely excellent or great
verb, taboo - to have sext with somebody (very informal)
verb, informal - not to be allowed to leave the house (as a form of punishment)
noun, taboo - a very informal or offensive word you use when you are very angry
verb, informal - to break up with somebody
adjective, informal - stoned, high on marijuana
adjective, informal - having lost your job
noun, informal - a person who is regarded as strange, crazy or just different from others
verb, informal - to get drunk
adjective, American English, informal - extreme, extraordinary
noun, informal - a thousand dollars or pounds
interjection, informal - the word you say when you find something repelling, disgusting or extremely unpleasant (very informal)
noun, informal - food
noun, informal - an informal word for a prostitute
adjective, informal - sexy, very attractive
adjective - in prison
verb, informal - to flirt with somebody
adjective, informal - very unhappy, feeling very low (emotionally)
verb, informal - so feel very sorry for yourself, to feel very sad
noun, informal - a crazy person
noun, informal - an offensive word for a homosexual man
verb, informal - to ruin something (very informal)
noun, informal - a worthless person (or people)
verb - to leave secretly
verb, informal - to stay somewhere for some time
adjective - excellent, wonderful
adjective - strange; not usual or normal
phrase - a word you say when you don't care about something, when something doesn't matter to you
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